Vemabwe machena





About Us

Welcome to the virtual home of the Nyamweda family, a vibrant and deeply interconnected community with roots that run as deep as the Nharira hills, at the heart of Zimbabwe's rich history. The Nyamweda family's history is intertwined with the fabric of Zimbabwe's past, dating back generations to our ancestors who settled near the sacred Nharira hills. Our heritage is steeped in tradition, resilience, and a profound connection to the land. For centuries, the Nharira hills have stood as a symbol of our family's resilience and unity. It is here, amidst the rugged terrain and lush landscapes, that our ancestors laid the foundation for our community, forging bonds that have endured through the ages. At the core of our family are values of respect, unity, and love. We honor our ancestors by preserving their traditions and passing down their wisdom to future generations. We believe in the importance of community, supporting one another through life's joys and challenges. Our mission is to uphold the legacy of the Nyamweda family, fostering strong connections among family members and preserving our heritage for generations to come. Through shared experiences, mutual respect, and a commitment to our roots, we strive to build a thriving community that honors our past while embracing the future. Join us as we celebrate our history, culture, and shared identity as members of the Nyamweda family. Whether you are a distant relative or a newcomer eager to learn about our heritage, we welcome you to explore our virtual home and become a part of our story. Together, we continue to write the next chapter in the legacy of the Nyamweda family.

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Genealogy Research

This family websites offers tools and resources for family specific genealogy research, helping generations to trace our family history and discover our roots.

Calendar of Family Events

We the Nyamweda people are many and spread far and wide. Kindly visit this site for any announcements of major family events taking place around the world.

Family Member Profiles

We aim to provide each family member with a platform to share their own profile on the website, where we can share personal information, photos, and updates with the rest of the family.

In the hallowed annals of our family’s history, a tapestry of legends intertwines, weaving a narrative of resilience, wisdom, and enduring leadership. At the heart of this lineage stands so many Nyamweda legends, beacons of strength and integrity, whose legacy echoes through the corridors of time. The likes of Mandaza, revered as Chief Nyamweda the 10th during the transformative era of 1926, Samson Dawa, Gwini, Matanhire, Mutandagayi ,Chitsungo, Kawanzaruwa, Chidyausayi, and many more exemplified the noble qualities inherent in our ancestry.

Digging deeper into the fabled lineage, we uncover the sagas of other illustrious forebears whose names resonate with significance. The venerables like Pawananukwa, Jeranyama, Chikerema whose tenure as a leaders commenced deep into the past, beyond 1901. Figures of great esteem and reverence, did set the stage for subsequent generations to thrive and prosper.

Before Pawananukwa’s generation, the mantle of leadership was borne by the indomitable Dzumbunu, whose reign began in the year 1859. Renowned for his courage and vision, Dzumbunu steered our family through times of uncertainty with unwavering resolve and determination.

Venturing further back in time, we encounter the legendary figures of Mudziviri and Mushore, whose contributions to our family’s legacy are etched in the annals of history. Mudziviri, born in 1851, and Mushore, born in 1805, laid the groundwork upon which our familial heritage was built, embodying the virtues of honor, wisdom, and compassion.

But the story does not end there. Our lineage is a tapestry woven with myriad threads, each representing a distinct chapter in our storied past. Among the luminaries who preceded Samson Dawa and his esteemed forebears are Bembwe, born in 1777, and Rukawa, born in 1749. Their leadership prowess and unwavering commitment to our family’s values have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

Further tracing our ancestral lineage, we pay homage to Nahumba, born in 1721, and Runowo, born in 1695, whose legacies continue to inspire and guide us to this day. And beyond them lies Mapesu, born in 1665, a beacon of hope and resilience during times of adversity.

Yet, amidst this illustrious lineage, one name stands out with profound significance – Tumbare. Born of Dombodzvuku, Tumbare symbolizes the epitome of our family’s strength and resilience, embodying the spirit of unity and perseverance that defines us as a dynasty.

As we reflect on the tales of our forebears, let us draw inspiration from their courage, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Their legacies serve as a guiding light, illuminating our path forward as we strive to honor their memory and uphold the timeless values that define us as descendants of the illustrious Nyamweda Dynasty.


United by our Heritage, Bound by Love: Testimonials from the Nyamweda Family